The AN307 system is used for perimeter protection of a wire fence with a maximum length two times 300 meters. AN307 is essentially two units in one unit: two wings of 300 meters sensor cable make together up to 600 meters protection with only one unit. AN306 is the smaller version of the system and is used for perimeter protection of up to 300 meters of wire fence. A sensor cable, especially sensitive to mechanical vibrations, should be fastened to the fence. The cable ends with an end module on one side. The other cable end is connected to the electronic system (main unit), perceiving the activities taking place on the wire fence. The AN307/AN306 have relay outputs and are connected to an integral system (alarm panel). AN307COM has RS485 communication output and is connected to Guard software. The principle of generating alarms out of the sensor cable is patented.
Cable AS257, which works as a sensor, is installed on the wire fence about 1m above ground floor. Cable is fastened onto a fence in length of 40 - 60 cm by plastic clips. On one side the cable ends by an end module while on the other side it is connected to the main unit. Main unit has two or three relays, for the burglar alarm, cable fault and for the anti - tamper. Main unit must be connected to an integral system (alarm panel with relay outputs or Guard software with RS485/Ethernet communication line).

AN-WTS - Wind and temperature correction
Wind measurement and temperature measurement can be done with combination of WTS307 and WSM101/reed devices. Reducing the sensitivity of the cable at low temperatures is compensated in software.
The WTS307 and WSM101/reed compensate (decrease) the sensitivity of AN306/AN307 device at high wind speed.
WTS307 is a small piggyback device installed inside AN306/AN307 device and has two additional inputs; one for connecting wind measurement device WSM101/reed, the other for future use. WSM101/reed is easy to install wind speed sensor with reed contact output.
It can measure wind up to 55,0 m/s. WSM101 should be mounted near AN307 device on a pipe with 27 mm outside diameter. The sensor consists of a plastic body and the head of the sensor with stainless steel ball bearings and windmills.
A Perimeter Guard AN307 Software is used for connection of several AN307COM devices to the integrated system. AN307COM devices are connected to the system with RS485 two wire standard. Currently there are two solutions to terminate RS485 communication: through K307 device or through UDS1100 device(s) (manufactured by Lantronix). If RS485 communication can be brought close to the PC computer, where Guard Software is running, then K307 can be used. In case that RS485 can not be directly brought to the PC computer, one or several UDS1100 can be used.

A K307 device is used to convert RS232 (or USB) transmission standard to RS485 transmission standard. Power supply and RS485 communication are connected by cable to each AN307COM device. It is recommended that twisted pair is used for RS485. Also, it is recommended, that this cable is shielded. If the length of RS485 line is more than 3 km, additional RS485 repeater (for example R307) should be used. Up to 254 AN307COM devices can be connected to one Guard Software. K307 has additional two relay outputs to indicate software or hardware failure.
For long distances and if an Ethernet connection is available, several UDS1100 can be linked to one Perimeter Guard AN307 Software. Each UDS1100 should have unique IP address and each AN307COM should have unique RS485 address. To each UDS1100 several AN307COM can be connected. Up to 254 AN307COM devices can be connected to one Guard Software.
LR307USB - Relay Module
A LR307USB is a device with 24 relay outputs. It is connected to a PC computer and gets commands from Guard software. Each relay can represent different type of alarm on AN307COM boards. Build in watch dog takes care of hardware or software failures. Up to eight LR307USB devices can be connected to one Guard software.